Stopped by law enforcement for an alleged traffic violation
If pulled over by the police, turn off the engine, turn on the vehicle’s interior lights, roll your window down part way and place your hands on the steering wheel.
Most criminal defense attorneys will tell you that you do not have to consent to a search of your car. However, if the police have a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, a warrantless search of your car can be performed.
You do not have to answer questions. You do have to show your driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance.
If you are a passenger in a car, ask if you are free to leave. If an officer says yes, you have the choice to sit quietly or depart the scene.
Stopped by law enforcement for questioning in a public setting
If a law enforcement officer stops you in a public setting and wants to ask you questions, stay calm and do not argue or physically resist. Keep your hands well law enforcement can see them.
Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly walk away. If the officer says no, you have the right to remain silent if you desire.