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With Your Most Personal Legal Problems

Assisting You With Issues Connected To Child Support

At the end of a relationship or marriage, courts want to make sure that the couple’s children will be provided for financially. Depending upon the income of the parties, one of the parents will likely be required to pay child support to the other. Determining the amount of these payments is not as easy as it may appear at first glance, and you need an experienced attorney to help you with your support case.

The Grand Rapids-based law firm, WN Law offers you knowledgeable assistance with your child support concerns. From initial support obligations to modifications of existing agreements, we can help you reach a resolution that is in both you and your child’s best interests.

Child Support Payments In Michigan

Child support payments in Michigan are determined by the Michigan child support guidelines. In calculating child support, the formula considers many factors, including medical support and day care costs. Many different factors can be important in determining the amount of child support a parent may pay or receive. The courts consider:

  • How much each parent makes
  • How many children are involved
  • How often each child spends the night
  • The cost of medical insurance
  • The cost of child care

These are some of the many different factors that the courts consider. It is important to note that a child support order is not permanent. When income, visitation or other obligations change, child support orders can be modified to reflect changing circumstances. You should always consult with a family attorney if you feel that an order needs to be modified.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you need assistance with any issue connected to your child support case, call our office at 616-426-9491 or send us an email to arrange a free consultation with our experienced lawyer.