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Grand Rapids crime keeps trending down

On Behalf of | Aug 27, 2020 | Criminal Defense |

Grand Rapids is the second-largest population center in the state, and that high population density means that Kent County does see more crime than many other counties across Michigan. However, it’s worth noting that the rate of both property crime and violent crime has been falling.

In 1999, Grand Rapids was far higher in crime index, for both property crimes and violent crimes, than both the standard in Michigan and the national levels. Things trended down for the next few years, though there was a spike around 2007/2008. After that spike, though, both levels began falling again. In 2016, violent crime was still higher than the state and the national level, but property crimes had dipped below the national level and stayed there for a few years. The projection was that 2020 would be even lower — with under 1,000 incidents of violent crime, for instance.

By far and away, property crime is more common than violent crime. For example, 2016 saw 1,327 instances of violent crime and 4,334 instances of property crime. It is far more likely that someone will be robbed than injured. The 2020 projections showed 983 incidents of violent crime and 2,114 total incidents.

The most common type of crime is larceny or theft. In 2016, there were 3,208 reports of these issues, while the 2020 projections say there will be 1,243 incidents by the end of the year.

While crime has been trending down over the decades, people are still arrested every day in Grand Rapids. Those who find themselves facing charges must know what defense options they have.

