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What Michigan spouses should know about divorce after 50

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2019 | Divorce |

The divorce rate in the United States has declined in recent years. However, the divorce rate for those who are 50 and older has increased over the past two decades. One of the possible reasons behind this trend is that there is less stigma surrounding the end of a marriage than in the past. Therefore, older individuals don’t feel compelled to stay in relationships that they aren’t happy in.

Money can be another reason why older spouses get divorced. For instance, one person may spend too much or otherwise have trouble making sure that their finances are properly managed. The success or failure of a marriage could also depend on who is making the money. If a man increases his earnings, a marriage is more likely to succeed. The opposite is true if a woman sees her income go up.

As time goes on, a couple may feel as if they are growing apart and simply needed a fresh start. It isn’t uncommon for parents to start divorce proceedings after their children become independent adults. In some cases, raising the children was the only thing keeping them together, which renders the marriage moot after that task has been accomplished. Longer lifespans have also made divorce more likely among those who are 50 and older.

Whether an individual is going through an amicable or a contentious divorce, it may be a good idea to complete the process with an attorney. Legal counsel could be helpful whether a settlement is reached in court, in mediation or through some other means. An attorney may be able to help a client take steps to obtain a favorable resolution to the matter. This might result in obtaining the resources necessary to live comfortably as a single person.

