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Can you start dating during a divorce?

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2023 | Divorce |

Dating during your divorce could introduce some tricky complications. While it is certainly not prohibited, you will want to think carefully before making any major moves.

When you understand the impact that dating could have on your life during this unprecedented time, you can make confident decisions regarding your future.

Keep details private

If you do find new love, keep the details of your relationship private. Refrain from sharing too much about your love life considering you are still amid a legal separation from your former spouse. If you are not careful, your former spouse might find ways to claim infidelity which could mar your reputation in court and potentially jeopardize your settlement.

Prioritize your divorce

Work swiftly to finalize your divorce. Commit time to respond to divorce-related inquiries. Make goals for each week that will help you move forward from your split. The sooner you can formally divorce your ex, the more freely you can move on with your life and your pursuit of new love.

Consider a prenuptial

If you see yourself getting into another serious relationship, consider a prenuptial agreement. According to U.S. News, a prenuptial agreement can protect you and other family members if you have a prior divorce. You can set expectations and clarify ownership of assets before you pursue another long-term relationship.

So yes, you can date during a divorce. However, use rationale as you determine how to balance a new relationship with one that is not quite over yet. Your care may enable you to enjoy newfound love without compromising your divorce settlement along the way.

