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3 reasons mediation could be right for your divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2020 | Divorce |

You and your spouse made the decision to divorce together. After another night of arguing, you finally determined that this marriage was not working out for you. You have two children, plenty of assets and concerns about your finances, but you know that consciously uncoupling is the best path for you.

Your goal is to keep this as calm and passive as possible. You don’t want conflicts or disputes to drag out the divorce. One thing you may want to try is mediation. Here are three reasons why mediation may be right for you:

1. You’re both looking to avoid a trial

The first good reason to consider mediation is to avoid a trial that will give you uncertain results. When you go through mediation, you can settle your divorce concerns outside court, so you can avoid having a judge rule on your case. This puts you in more control. People who settle in mediation tend to like the outcome of their divorce more than if a judge makes all the decisions for them.

2. You want to avoid conflict around your children

Another good reason to use mediation is to reduce the potential for conflict around your children. Take your mediation time as the only time to talk about disputes, so you can leave them behind when you’re with your children. 

3. You’re eager to move forward quickly

Finally, mediation can help move along your divorce more quickly than some other options — and saving time can help you reduce your costs. When you resolve conflicts, your attorney can draw up legal documents for both parties to sign as soon as possible. 

Your attorney and your spouse’s attorney will both be able to attend mediation sessions with you. You’ll have representation, so this is a good place to start working through disputes with solid guidance.


