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Getting a divorce? Approach social media carefully

On Behalf of | Mar 26, 2020 | Divorce |

In today’s world, the average American has at least seven different social media accounts. These accounts allow individuals to keep in touch with family and friends and share updates about their own lives.

Although deciding to divorce is no doubt a significant life event, sharing details about one’s divorce on social media can pose a great risk to the future.

Even if the divorce is amicable, individuals must be careful and thoughtful when using social media. Here are a few things to note.

Do not post negative things about your ex-spouse

Even in cases where spouses agree to move forward with a divorce, emotions can still run high and disputes might still erupt during the divorce proceedings. This is especially true when it comes to settling property division or the child custody agreement.

Social media might seem like a good place to vent emotions about these disputes or the stress one feels toward their ex-spouse. However, individuals must always remember that:

  • Social media posts are often accessible to the public; and
  • They are permanent, even if deleted.

In extreme cases, negative social media posts about one’s spouse can be used as evidence in divorce settlements. That is why Forbes recommends individuals do not post anything on social media that they would not say directly to their spouse, family or friends.

Take care when posting about kids

Many parents wish to share their pride in their children with loved ones. And social media has made it easy to do so.

However, divorced parents should be careful if posting about the kids on social media. It could potentially lead to a dispute, especially if:

  • Children are young and do not have social media accounts of their own; and
  • The other spouse does not want the children on social media.

It might be helpful for Michigan parents to consider addressing social media use in the parenting plan.

Taking a break from social media might help

Several studies over the years have linked social media to negative impacts on an individual’s mental health. Forbes reports that the effects of social media commonly lead to:

  • Increased feelings of loneliness and depression;
  • Decreased self-esteem; and
  • Increased symptoms of anxiety.

Divorce is already emotionally stressful enough, without the negative effects of social media. Therefore, it might be beneficial for individuals to take a break altogether from social media while they navigate their divorce and the new chapter of their life.

