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Heartache and depression after a divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2019 | Divorce |

For some people, bringing their marriage to a close can feel like a relief and take a lot of weight off of their shoulders. For others, however, the divorce process can be emotionally taxing, and some people may have regrets about various decisions that they made or the way in which they navigated through their divorce. Some people may even have heartache after splitting up with their spouse, and even when someone is glad that they moved on they may struggle with depression for a number of reasons (from a custody decision to financial hurdles that have arisen following the divorce). It is important to handle these feelings appropriately.

Adjusting to life after divorce can be particularly tough for some people. There is often a lot of uncertainty and some people have a very hard time adjusting to the various changes that have come into their lives. In fact, living alone in and of itself can be burdensome for some people, especially for those who may have lived with their partner for decades. Fortunately, these negative feelings often subside and there are a number of ways that people can address (or even prevent) emotional conflicts in the wake of a divorce.

By preparing for a divorce and having a thorough understanding of post-divorce family law matters that may arise, many people are able to minimize the emotional impact of this major change and move forward to live a happier life. Depression as a result of one’s divorce is not uncommon, and those who feel this way should not feel guilty or be hard on themselves.

