The CBS show Pink Collar Crimes has shone the spotlight on a niche area of law that many may find interesting. The numbers of incarcerated women in prisons in Michigan and elsewhere are increasing, but the criminal charges that landed them there can be very different from those involving men. As you know, women can commit the same crimes as men, including drug violations, assault and theft. However, when it comes to some allegations, their motives may be different from men’s.
You may wonder what exactly pink collar crime entails. As Forbes explains, this is a nickname attached to white collar crime when the allegations involve women. The charges can include embezzlement, financial fraud, money laundering and Ponzi schemes. Many women involved in pink collar crime include bookkeepers, accountants and office managers, but they can also include school volunteers and PTA moms who are in a position of financial trust – for example, being the treasurer of an extracurricular organization.
Women often regret their involvement
Women’s reasons and emotions can differ vastly from those of men, which may surprise you. For example, men may experience an attraction to the sense of power and control they get from being successful in an embezzlement venture. Women, on the other hand, may not want to instigate the behavior but could feel like it is unavoidable if they are having financial difficulties and trying to help their family. They often express deep remorse for violating others’ trust. Many times, women work to prevent other people from making the same mistakes after they have served their time.
The law entitles you to competency and respect
You should understand that regardless of the reasons or circumstances behind a criminal charge, the law entitles you to a competent defense. You also have the right to be treated with respect and dignity during the legal process.